Monday, May 14, 2012

Reflections On Mother's Day

My first thoughts yesterday morning focused on my mother; gone almost 17 years now (is that possible?) and yet still missed each and every day.  I found myself longing to hear her laugh, her positive voice and to look upon her face and wish her the best.  Instead, I had to be content with looking toward heaven and whispering, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom."

Enjoying the breakfast in bed my husband created for me, I wondered if our daughter and daughter-in-law were getting pampered in a similar fashion.  I doubted that our daughter was because she had to work a double shift (not fair was my reaction to that news).  She is working through some "teen-age issues" with her boys right now, so I sent positive vibes in her direction, knowing she would, as she always does, persevere until she had a solution for everyone concerned.  It's one of the hardest times to be a parent/grandparent; it's so difficult not to want to "make everything better" by intervening.  Instead, I just left a message on her phone letting her know what a great mom we think she is, and that we're here for her if she needs us. 

In the afternoon I received a visit from our son and daughter-in-law and our youngest grandson, who came with flowers and a handmade card from our grandson that delighted me with its original crayon and sticker message.  We gave our daughter-in-law a plant to add to her ever-growing garden, and a handwritten note that expressed our joy at having her for a second daughter.

The rest of my day was free from chores or  responibility.  I read, napped, watched movies, deemed myself lucky to receive several "Happy Day" calls and messages from good friends, and relaxed with my favorite guy as we indulged in food and wine.

I know I'm a lucky woman to have such caring and love, and to have had so many wonderful years nurturing and revelling in my children and grandchildren.  Of course, those times have not been without some heartache, anxiety, and pressures I never could have foreseen, but it's the rewards which have always followed that I dwell on.  I have that outlook because of  what I learned from my mother, and I hope I can leave a similar legacy to both my daughter and my daughter-in-law.     

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