Sunday, August 21, 2011

Feedback Is Vital

I'm always thinking of subjects I could discuss on this blog; I discard many of them.  Why?  Because the mind of a writer is constantly filled with "ideas" that never develop into a finished product, either because they really aren't interesting enough when the idea becomes words on a page, or because they are too self-serving and not really something anyone else would want to peruse.

Trying to maintain a balance about what interests me and what might interest others is difficult sometimes.  I get passionate about things, and, as a writer, I want to put that passion into composed form.  But it doesn't always work.  Rereading my posts before putting them out there is a necessary exercise, not only for grammar and spell check reasons, but it allows me one more chance, before pressing the key to post, to take an unbiased (hopefully) look at the work and decide if it will be something my readers will identify with.  Yes, I want them to have an insiders look into my life and writings, but it's way too easy to get carried away with nonsense sometimes.

One of my favorite things about this blog are the comments I receive.  I do read them all and am always interested in another person's insight on my compositions.  So, please comment if you're touched, or enlightened, or just entertained enough to want to come back to my blog again.  It helps me to know what does spark about this endeavor - and gives me new directions to follow.  All writers need feedback, whether they admit it or not.  I not only admit it; I look foward to it.  Thanks in advance for making me better at this wordsmith profession.