Thursday, December 31, 2009

Should Old Acquaintance, Etc.

A year ago today, I posted a blog about what I should resolve for 2009. (You can read it in its entirety by locating it in the menu at the right: 2008, December, entitled "What To Resolve"). I settled on "being positive". Not an easy one, when faced with insurmountable reasons to do otherwise.

I said I would keep readers posted on how I was doing. Assessing the situation at year's end, I'd say I was successful 80% of the time - not bad, really. In the 20% of the time I failed to approach something in a positive way, I did usually berate myself for the defeat, so that counts for something too. In a year when there were so many depressing avenues I could have pursued, I'm pretty proud of my follow through. But I know I didn't accomplish it alone.

I have family and friends who never fail to support me, indulge me, and inspire me. But I don't always express to them how much my life depends on their love and friendship. So, my resolution for 2010 is to make certain they know. I plan to do this through written letter, phone communication, and conversations in person. It's way too easy to say to yourself, "They know how I feel" because to express it is sometimes difficult or just plain time consuming. Not an excuse in this day and age when we have so many avenues of expression. And it's too important to me.

I can honestly say that there are scores of people in my life who have no idea that knowing them has influenced or bettered my life; they have touched me, continue to touch me, and, by keeping their caring alive, I think I'll stay on that path of positiveness.

I also believe it will provide me with new threads of creativity. Connecting with other human beings - learning about their needs, their happiness, their goals - fuels me in many ways. Best of all, by doing it, I maintain those ties that are so important to me.

At the end of 2010, I want to be able to say that I've renewed some ties, strengthened others and fulfilled my resolution in a way that was good for both sides. I'll be even busier this next year, and that's a good thing.

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